We invite you to
Walk a path of Heroes
The Walk of Honor is a permanent commemorative walkway that is paved with bricks engraved with the names of honored men and women who have served our great country. It parallels the picturesque Neuse River as it winds its way through the beautifully landscaped Tiffany West, Pearson Parks and the Nature Center. Sitting areas and the Memorials afford quiet places for reflection and tribute.

New Additions
The New 911 Emergency Services
Memorial Pearson Park

22, Oct 2003 First Brick
Paulette McFadden and Richard Daniels place the Richard Caswell memorial brick on the walk of honor. Photo by Charles Buchanan.

Will Andersen is planning a surprise for his father

A bit of our history
The groundbreaking ceremony for Phase One of the Walk of Honor was during the month of September, 2003. On Veterans Day, 2003, veterans marched to the starting point of the Walk during the Salute! to Veterans Festival. It was officially dedicated to all the men and women who have served in our armed forces since the birth of this nation.
Phase Two of the Walk of Honor was begun on April 28, 2004. This phase overlooks the beautiful Neuse River. One section of the Walk surrounds the CSS Neuse monument and is reserved to honor individuals who served during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.
Phase Three; The third addition to Walk took place in November 2005 with construction of the Vietnam Memorial. This Memorial contains engraved bricks for the twenty-three soldiers killed in action during that war.
On December 14, 2005, Last Firebase Veterans Archive Project, original builder and owner, donated the Walk to Salute! A Tribute to America’s Veterans.
Groundbreaking for Phase Four was held on May 27, 2006. This phase, is named the 911 Emergency Services Memorial. It is dedicate to those personnel who were killed on September 11, 2001. It honors those individuals who have served or are serving in any organized emergency service, such as law enforcement, fire fighting, rescue and emergency services personnel. It was completed and dedicated on September 11, 2006. During March and April of 2009, this Memorial was completely rebuilt.
In May 2007 two six by eight feet additions were added to the military section of the Tiffany West Walk. One was dedicated to family of Henry Blizzard. The family honors sixteen of their family who have worn the uniforms of this nation, beginning during the Civil War and ending in 1974, 116 years.
The latest addition connects the Walk and the Chamber of Commerce’s Centennial Park.